Daily Archives: October 15, 2016

Day 15 of 365 – Son of Zorn

20160911-imgp5732 PENTAX *ist DS (31mm, f/8, 1/90 sec, ISO1600)

This is in the window of the local Fox affiliate on Market St.  I like the comic book lettering look of it.

Zorn, the defender of Zephyria, conqueror of the tribes of Agon, decapitator of the dark herdsmen of Grith, is an overlord of pain from an island in the Pacific Ocean where everyone is animated, but he finds his greatest battle may be the adjustment to the banality of middle class America. Zorn returns to the suburbs of Orange County, Calif., on a mission to reconnect with his estranged ex-wife, Edie, and their son, Alan, but suffers a setback when he finds Edie engaged to another man. He decides to stick around anyway, hoping to forge a relationship with Alan, getting an apartment and a job in sales and trying to funnel his warrior energy into dealing with everyday foes — like the DMV